
The Best April Fools Joke

Tricking the kids is fun.

April Fools is the only time of year to play major pranks on our kids.  We let them try to fool us too.  We just have one rule; it has to be funny, not mean.  We don’t want anyone crying about a cruel joke.  So there is no cutting hair, or poisoning food, or dumping ice cold water in their bed (seriously ruining a mattress would make any mom cry).  I think you catch my drift.
Over the years we have done some really fun pranks.  I cooled the jello in plastic clear cups so the kids thought they were getting fun juice with dinner, but it didn’t come out.  I’ve covered their door in wrapping paper.  I’ve stuffed toilet paper in their shoes.  I’ve opened their chip bag for their school lunch and replaced the chips with carrots then sealed the bag.  I’ve put funny pictures under the toilet lid.  I’ve even made brown-e’s out of construction paper instead of the baked deliciousness.  But this prank has by far been the best one to date.  My kids still talk about it.

First we prepare.

The night before, after the kids were asleep, we set all the clocks forward an hour and even found an excuse to get any smart devices or watches away from the kids.  The next morning we started our morning routine, just like any other day.  I even had a mini prank for them so they thought I didn’t have anything else up my sleeve (I stuffed their shoes with toilet paper).   We woke them up a little bit late (which was actually an hour early).   Then we rushed them, stressing about how late they would be to school.

Daddy takes them to school, so he told the kids they were going to play a prank on me.  They all got in his car, then came back in the house with a story about how the car wouldn’t start and I had to take them all to school and then daddy to work.  This was all part of the plan to get us all in the same car without the kids being suspicious.  They weren’t even a little bit suspicious.  They were giggling like this was the perfect prank on me.

The delivery.

Well that is when the theatrics came into play.  I acted really angry and put out that I had to find my shoes and get the baby ready to go, which was only going to make them more late to school.  We all loaded into my car and headed for school.  I was acting so stressed that a few of the kids started getting a little upset and worried about being late.  Well right as we were pulling up in front of the school, we drove right on past.  My son started to cry thinking he would be so late to school now.

Memory made.

At this point we yelled April Fools and continued on down the road to McDonalds for a fun family breakfast before school.  We had plenty of time to get back to school on time after that.  The kids loved their breakfast out and claimed it was their best day ever.  I’m not sure how we will top this, but I’ll let you know if I come up with something.  But for now, play this prank on your kids and let me know how it goes!



  1. Shauna | 5th Mar 17

    I love that! I will have to remember that when my boys start school. I love you Ruth!

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