I See You



On this lovely Mother’s Day I wanted to say a few words to show my gratitude for all of the wonderful women in my life and around me everyday.

Beautiful women of the planet I see you.

To the older mother, I see you.  I see you growing in wisdom and in years.  I see you suffering with the affects of an aging body and struggling through disease and hardship and loss.  I also see your heart, I see how much you love.  I see the results of many years of service and care.  I see the loneliness for days gone by.  I see you waiting for your children and grandchildren to visit.  I see you accomplished in many talents and skills eager and willing to share what you know.  I see your example and am so grateful for the gift I was given to be taken care of by you.  I see you and I love you.

To the single woman, I see you.  I see you in your successes in your professions and with your families.  I see you nurturing so many people around you.  I see you taking care of your loved ones.  I see you making family out of friends.  I see you rescuing souls.  My heart reaches out to you in your lonely moments. I see you and I love you.

To the childless mother, I see you.  I see you in your willingness to sacrifice so much.  I see your aching for something more, but still finding fulfillment in life in every way you can.  I see you smile and bring joy to those around you.  I see you taking great care.   I see you and I love you.

To the single mother, I see you.  I see you working overtime to provide for your family.  I see you working overtime at home to be everything to your kids.  I see the blood, sweat, and tears you give and sacrifice everyday to give your family a better life.  I see how large your heart is.  I see how tired you are.  I see how much you could use a pat on the shoulder, some encouragement, and some love.  You are so strong.  I see you and I love you.

To the mother of small children, I see you.  I see you give so much of yourself.  I see you devote your everything to keeping them fed, clean, educated, and happy.  I see your loneliness for adult attention and a little recognition.  I see you feeling like you’ve lost so much of your individuality through the many needs of the little people around you.  I see you trying your best but feeling underachieved.  I think you have achieved more than you will ever know.  You are growing your heart to be a solid source of love and no one can ever take that away from you.  I see you and I love you.

To the mother of teenagers, I see you.  I see you being drained of your emotional energy in teaching your kids to regulate their emotions.  I see you worry for their choices and consequences.  I see you spending a lifetime in the car going between various activities when you have so many things at home that need to be done.  I see you feeding so many mouths as your kid’s friends come over so much. I see you aching for the child you used to cuddle, and now you are lucky to see them before bed at night. You are still your family’s everything.  You are still the glue that binds them and gives them a foundation to stand on.  I see you and I love you.

To the working mother, I see you.  I see how much you give of your time to everyone.  I see how organized and amazing you are.  I see how much you can get done with so little time for everything.  I see your jobs well done and your children well raised.  I see how you long for some more time in a day. I see how much you can do and I am in awe. I see you and I love you.

To the mother of a large family, I see you.  I see how you serve.  I see how you spread your attention to so many people all at once.  I see how you multitask.  I see how big your heart is.  I see how you struggle for “me” time.  I see how much you are adored and appreciated.  You are building a beautiful army for good.  You are so good.  I see you and I love you.

I have so many women in my life that fit into all of these categories and we all move through many of these categories. We are all so strong.  We all do so much good.  We all sacrifice and serve so much.  We are the ones that can bring love to the world.  We are the mothers that shape the future.  Love is always needed.  We can feel successful in the legacy of love we leave behind. I love to be a woman, and I love to be a mother.

Happy Mother’s Day!


  1. Jessica | 11th May 19

    This is so beautiful and really spoke to my heart today. Love you Ruth!

  2. Sarah | 12th May 19

    This is beautiful, Ruth! Thank you so much!

  3. Sarah Rowley | 12th May 19

    Thank you for your beautiful words! I see you and I love you! 😍

  4. Natalie | 13th May 19

    Beautiful! Thank you dear friend for your inspired words and insight. Thank you for your goodness, love and light! You lift all around you!

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