Pick a theme.
Let your kids pick. It can be a favorite activity, character, movie, treat, animal, or toy. Use your theme to create the mood, but don’t go overboard. Throw a few things on the wall or pick a unique location. It is enough. Your kids will love it.
Invite their friends.
Kids love to be surrounded by the magic of play. Friends also help add a little spice to the day. It’s a variation from normal home life.
Reduce the Structure.
Let them have play time during the party. If you have too many structured activities it is stress on you, and they just want to play anyway. Pick an ice breaker activity like charades or pin the tail, then have some activities that allow more freedom like hide and seek or a scavenger hunt. If you need to fill time, try a craft. Just make sure it is a craft they can do alone, like playdough, coloring/painting, or stringing beads.
Provide a treat.
If you are good at making cakes, do it. But, it doesn’t always have to be cake and the treat could provide an activity for your theme. Get creative. Try an ice cream bar, or frosting cookies or cupcakes. If your kid doesn’t like cake, try a doughnut tower. If you aren’t good at decorating a cake, try a toy on top that matches the theme. Your kid loves it and everyone thinks you are amazing. Boom!
Take pictures.
Your child will love looking back at the party with their friends and their cake and remembering. The more they remember, the fonder the memory becomes. They will remember you made them feel special on a very special day.
You can do it! Don’t forget to check out some of our other ideas for birthday parties!
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