About Me

I am a mom and I love it!  I love finding new ways to explore the world with my kids.  Seven kids makes travel and lodging difficult.  I want to help make that easier for you.  A full house also means we have to get creative to have some fun and you can see how we do that too.  I am enthralled with music, dance, and culture from around the world and get involved in community programs about this as much as possible.  I studied family and human development as well as folk dance in school.  I love writing and would love someday to publish my own novel, which is already written but needs some work.  It is my dream to travel the world and learn to play the piano.  For now, I am content with my full house and want to find a way to help others through my experiences.

Some people ask me if I am supermom, and this is my response…

Yes I have seven kids under the age of 12.  Yes they were all planned.  Yes they are all mine.  Yes they have the same dad.  Yes I have my hands full.  Yes they are a joy.  No, I am not supermom.  I am no different than you.  We all can be super in our own way.

Don’t be afraid

When I started out having kids I felt like I was drowning.  I asked a few moms I knew with big families how they did it all.  The advice I got was that once you have your hands full, they remain full.  It doesn’t get harder than it is right now.  And they were right!  I feel no more busy with seven kids than I did with three.  I may be capable of more now than I was then, but the stretch was gradual.  You get used to chaos.  You accommodate the needs of more people.  You adjust.  You have more ability than you realize.  You’ve got this.

Stop beating yourself up and just love them.

We aren’t the perfect family.  We have tears and struggles just like everyone else.  But I believe every child is with precisely the right parents.  My kids will grow up having to share more than most kids are used to.  But they also are surrounded by their best friends all day, everyday.  If we try, we can learn invaluable lessons from each other.  With a little bit of effort we can succeed together. They just need to be loved and listened to and taught.

Pay attention

So much time is wasted on things that aren’t important.  So many of us let ourselves get caught up in the flow of life without truly taking control of it.  Whether it is the hottest trends, the busyness of work, the pull of media, or keeping up with an imaginary perfect life that doesn’t exist; we lose ourselves.  Put down the phone and pay attention to your kids.  Try a new daily ritual of asking your kids their happy and sad parts from the day, then share yours with them.  Trust me, it will become your new favorite part of everyday.


Find ways to travel together, party together, and play together.   That’s what this life is all about.  The more you do together, the closer you will be.  Your kids will look at you like supermom, even if you don’t feel like it.  And together we are a super family.  I love us!

Please contact me at allofusintow@gmail.com with any questions you have about traveling and partying with a big family.  Thanks for joining us on our adventures!