

As a mom of seven kids, I am always looking for creative things to do with my family.  I love to take them places and explore the world around us.  My family enjoys Disneyland as much as most families do, but there has to be more to a family vacation than an amusement park.  I know what some of you are thinking, more to life than Disney?  But stay with me for a second.  The last time my family went to Disneyland they had just as much fun at the beach and the house we rented as standing in lines all day at Disneyland.  Yes, there is a certain magic to that place, but you really are on your feet all day, chasing your family from one ride to the next, with hardly a conversation beyond, which ride should we do next.

So, in an effort to find more meaningful getaways with my family I have run into a bit of a roadblock.  Most big families traveling out there are not as big as mine.  Frankly, we don’t fit in a hotel room.  We can’t fit into a rental van, unless you get the huge kind that cost a fortune.  We can’t easily afford plane tickets.  We don’t fit in most tents for camping trips.  We are a lot of people.


I also have this crazy notion that our time together should help us bond and grow closer to one another.  I want to make great memories.  I want to have quality time together.  I want to take a step away from our everyday life and really enjoy each other.  I feel like you have to get a little creative to do that.  I am always looking for great vacations that build relationships with each other and can be accomplished with a huge group of people.  I am also looking for some great ways to spend quality time with each other.  I am looking for any ideas that make amazing memories with my most favorite people.

That’s why this blog was born.  I may have a few ideas for you from our experience with a big family so far.  I will get more ideas as I create more vacations and staycations with my family. Notice the tags at the top with different categories.  Please take a look.  This is how I am organizing the blog posts for you to find better access for your reference.  Please join us on our journey and play with your family today!
